Sunday, July 31, 2022

Fall Is Coming

 Well I hate to say it but Fall is coming!  Some of the trees are just starting to change I know it's from the shorter days we are having now.  While I love the Fall I don't love what comes after!  The dreaded S word S N O W. There now I've said it!  I guess I will just have to go into hibernation mode when that happens and hopefully plan out what I'm going to do next Spring as far as landscaping goes.  The nice thing about Winter is at least there is football to watch!  

One thing I have decided is in my "Garage Bed" I'm going to be planting Creeping phlox for ground cover I think I'm going to go with pink and purple there and some ajuga on the deck side.  

pink phlox

Thursday, July 28, 2022



One of the jobs I hate is weeding and I have so much of it to do.   I recently decided to lay cardboard down with mulch on top of it it seems to work great however I have to weed before I do that.  It's been so hot here that I just can't be out very long. I am sure that it will take me until fall to get everything done.  I want to get some foundation plants this fall to plant in the back yard namely in front of my deck after we paint and get the lattice up on the deck. We still have at least another good 2 months of summer left before the leaves start to fly. 

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Well Here We Are 2 Years Later!


Wow, have things changed! We have done some more landscaping around the house and around the garage. I'm not sure how to upload my pictures from my iPhone to my computer, but I'm sure I will figure it out!

My hosta bed in the front of the house is different I lost some hostas which is fine it gives me room to plant other things.  My new obsession is Tall Phlox!

Tall Phlox  Orange

I do not have this orange one, but will have it next year!  I have two kinds of purple Tall Phlox and a pink and white one.  I have so many plans for my yard. I need to make more money to support my garden habit!

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