Monday, March 23, 2020

Blackeyed Susans

One of my favorite flowers.... Black-eyed Susans, I think the first time I saw these flowers I fell in love!!  I always said that if I bought a house the first thing I would plant would be these!  They are so sunny, happy, and bright!

Black-eyed Susans
I got seeds to start for this plant, I hope they come up!  I know I can always go get a plant if they don't, either way, this flower will be a star in my garden this year!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Stella D' Oro

One of my most favorite flowers Stella D' Oro!  I've bought 3 of them to go out front!  I have a pretty big area to fill in front of my house I thought 3 of these would look great in that big square. I have two hostas that are planted and need to be relocated, not sure where I'm going to put them but I will find a place!

These flowers just scream Happy!  I love the fact that they are rebloomers, I'll have happy little flowers all the way from Spring to Fall!

Sunday, March 8, 2020

I got a Clematis!

I did it, I went and got my purple Clematis!  It is called H.F. Young. I don't think it will bloom this year, but the second year it should, I will be so impatient waiting for the blooms!

H. F. Young Clematis
I know exactly where I'm going to put it! I just have to get a trellis for it.  I hear they are easy to train to a trellis.  It should be beautiful Can't wait!

Sunday, March 1, 2020

I've been busy!

I know it's still technically "Winter" but Spring is right around the corner!  I can't wait because I have BIG plans for my yard!

I went to Walmart the other day and I found seeds that I'm going to try and sow indoors.  My first time ever!

I also purchased a daylily named Final Touch, actually, I got three of them and they are reblooming!  I'm so excited to plant these. I love the dark pink with the lime-colored throat.  More later......

Final Touch

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