Sunday, April 12, 2020

I am just itching to get outside and plant everything I have bought!!!  The weather here in Iowa has been very rainy and cold.  Now that we are all locked up in our homes because of the Covid19 virus, I want to start planting now!  I know that can't happen until May but having all this time off I would love to put it to good use!  In the interim, I can always dream and blog!  Here is another Lily that I am going to plant it's called a Salmon Star Lily it is so pretty I can't wait to see it in the garden!

Salmon Star Lily
I already have a Stargazer Lily and a just a plain white lily I am looking to get every color lily possible I just love lilies!  Who doesn't? 

Where I have planted them, I have plenty of room for more. I add a new lily every year. I plant them in behind my hostas and they look great! I've got so much to do, and plenty of time right now, but that's not going to happen.  Too early to plant. 

Monday, March 23, 2020

Blackeyed Susans

One of my favorite flowers.... Black-eyed Susans, I think the first time I saw these flowers I fell in love!!  I always said that if I bought a house the first thing I would plant would be these!  They are so sunny, happy, and bright!

Black-eyed Susans
I got seeds to start for this plant, I hope they come up!  I know I can always go get a plant if they don't, either way, this flower will be a star in my garden this year!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Stella D' Oro

One of my most favorite flowers Stella D' Oro!  I've bought 3 of them to go out front!  I have a pretty big area to fill in front of my house I thought 3 of these would look great in that big square. I have two hostas that are planted and need to be relocated, not sure where I'm going to put them but I will find a place!

These flowers just scream Happy!  I love the fact that they are rebloomers, I'll have happy little flowers all the way from Spring to Fall!

Sunday, March 8, 2020

I got a Clematis!

I did it, I went and got my purple Clematis!  It is called H.F. Young. I don't think it will bloom this year, but the second year it should, I will be so impatient waiting for the blooms!

H. F. Young Clematis
I know exactly where I'm going to put it! I just have to get a trellis for it.  I hear they are easy to train to a trellis.  It should be beautiful Can't wait!

Sunday, March 1, 2020

I've been busy!

I know it's still technically "Winter" but Spring is right around the corner!  I can't wait because I have BIG plans for my yard!

I went to Walmart the other day and I found seeds that I'm going to try and sow indoors.  My first time ever!

I also purchased a daylily named Final Touch, actually, I got three of them and they are reblooming!  I'm so excited to plant these. I love the dark pink with the lime-colored throat.  More later......

Final Touch

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Well, it's been a while since I've posted ( like a year) but we have been so busy with other things that I didn't get a chance to work on my yard.  As a matter of fact, my yard looked hideous this year!

I plan to remedy that this year.  We have to finish the posts that we put up this fall and I did decide to put up a railing as well. Everything costs money so I need to watch the pennies and choose the most important things to do.  I know I want to plant some Begonias this year not sure if I want to put them in a pot or if I will put them in the ground my only peeve is I hate to dig things up.  I am more of a perennial girl. There are so many things I want to do this Spring hope I can afford to do them all!!!

I know one place that is getting overhauled for sure is the back of my garage!  I want to plant Cat mint back there but my hubby has got to take the "tail" off the back of the garage before any of that happens. I for sure want to plant a couple of reblooming daylilies.  I also want to plant a hydrangea or two. I guess I will have to wait for Spring!

This is the tail that the garage has to lose so I can plant my Catmint there!
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